PT 3 form to give deadline to citizens till June to fill applications


PT 3 form to give deadline to citizens till June to fill applications

गणेश मुळे Apr 30, 2024 11:42 AM

PMC Property Tax | प्रॉपर्टी टॅक्स मधून पुणे महापालिकेच्या तिजोरीत 2090 कोटी जमा | मागील वर्षीपेक्षा 314 कोटी ने अधिक उत्पन्न 
Pune Property tax 40% Discount | मिळकत करात 40% सवलत देण्यासाठी पुणे महापालिकेकडून तपास मोहीम सुरु!
PMC property tax department started the survey of properties in the Pune city!

PT 3 form to give deadline to citizens till June to fill applications

| Demand of Property Tax Department to pune Municipal Commissioner


PMC PT 3 form | Pune Property tax | The Pune Municipal Corporation (Pune Municipal Corporation) is in the process of giving a deadline till June to fill the form PT-3 (PMC Property tax Department PT 3 Form). In this regard, the Property Tax Department has submitted a statement to the Municipal Commissioner through the Additional Commissioner. Apart from this, a meeting was also held with Additional Commissioner Prithviraj BP recently. In this, the department has demanded to extend the deadline. Accordingly, the Municipal Commissioner will now take the final decision.

Last year, the municipal corporation had extended the deadline. The term was ending on November 15. However, in view of the Diwali holiday and the demand of the citizens, the decision was taken on behalf of the municipal administration to extend this deadline till November 30. Meanwhile, only 87 thousand applications were received by the Municipal Corporation during this period. Needless to say, the municipal corporation did not get a response.

Pune Municipal Corporation has maintained a 40% discount for self-use of residential properties only. All the newly constructed residential incomes which have been taxed from 01.04.2019 onwards without 40% discount and those incomes for which 40% discount is G.I.S. Under the survey has been canceled from 01.04.2018 and all those incomes for which difference payments (PMC property Tax bill) were sent earlier are being given the benefit of 40% discount for the next period from 01.04.2023. (PMC Property Tax)

All the above incomes will benefit from 40% discount from the date of levy/amendment date (i.e. the residential incomes for which the discount is due from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2023 but not given) and the discount given is 01. For continuation from 04.2023 onwards, the income holder will be required to submit PT-3 application form with complete proofs before 15th November 2023 to PMC Pune Property Tax Department. This was said by the Municipal Corporation. If the income tax is paid in full by the concerned income holders, the excess amount accrued will be adjusted from the payment of the financial year in equal installments for the next 4 years after filing PT-3 application. If the application is not submitted within the prescribed period, assuming that the income is not used by the income holder for self-consumption, such income for the year 2023-24
The discount given will be cancelled. This was said by the Municipal Corporation.

Meanwhile, the clamor for 40% discount has started again. People who have not filed PT 3 application form have been issued bills with interest without discount as per rule. As this amount is high, the citizens have become desperate. This time has come as the citizens have not filled the application despite the appeal of the department. So now the department itself has taken the initiative and requested the commissioner to give a deadline to the citizens to fill the application form.