PMC Fire Department warns punekar… If buildings and establishments do not have a fire system…! 

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PMC Fire Department warns punekar… If buildings and establishments do not have a fire system…! 

गणेश मुळे Feb 15, 2024 4:01 PM

PMC Fire Brigade | अखेर अग्निशमन दलाकडून शिवणे येथे पाण्यात अडकलेल्या दोघांची सुखरुप सुटका!
PMC Fire Department | इमारतींना आणि आस्थापनांना फायर यंत्रणा नसेल तर …! पुणे महापालिकेच्या अग्निशमन दलाचा नागरिकांना इशारा 
Pune Fire News | सुसगाव येथे कामगारांच्या झोपड्यांना आग | ३ सिलेंडरचा स्फोट तर २८ सिलेंडर जळाल्याची घटना

PMC Fire Department warns punekar… If buildings and establishments do not have a fire system…!

 PMC Fire Department |  It is mandatory to take necessary fire prevention measures in any building or part thereof and keep them in operation.  If there is no such fire system, an appeal has been made on behalf of Pune Municipal Fire Brigade (Pune Fire Brigade).  Otherwise, the citizens will be responsible if there is any accident, Chief Fire Officer of Pune Devendra Potfode has warned.  (Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC)
 The ‘Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Saving Measures Act, 2006’ Act throughout Maharashtra
 It is mandatory to take necessary fire prevention measures in any building or part thereof as per Section 3 (1) of the Act, to keep them in operation and to submit to the Chief Fire Officer a certificate in the prescribed form from a licensed agency as per Section 3 (3)  It belongs to the owner of the building or the occupant using it.  (Pune PMC News)
 All the citizens and establishments in the Pune Municipal Corporation area (e.g. high-rise residential buildings,
 cinema halls, theatres, hospitals, educational, commercial business complexes, malls, star hotels, large commercial offices etc.) are informed that the fire prevention and life protection measures they have installed in their buildings as specified in section 3 sub-section (1)  Measures to be kept in operation and in good condition and certificate in prescribed form from the licensed agency (Form-B) to the Chief Fire Officer twice a year in the months of January and July Office of the Chief Fire Officer, Central Fire Station, Mahatma Phule Peth, New Timber Market, Pune-411042  should be submitted here.  It should be noted that if the said (Form-B) is not submitted in time and if any accident happens in the future, all the responsibility will remain with the owner of that building or the occupant using it.
 In this case, if Form “B” is not submitted regarding the fire prevention measures in good condition within the prescribed period, the water of the said establishments of the buildings which are not safe in terms of fire fighting as per Section 8 (2), Rule 11 (1) of the ‘Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Protection Measures Act, 2006’  Recommending action like disconnection of supply and power supply will be in order.
 The list of licensed agents is available on the website
 Also those buildings which do not have the required fire fighting system will get license immediately
 The certificate should be obtained from the agency and submitted in person to the fire department office within the prescribed period or sent to
 Always available fire fighting system in buildings for citizens to prevent their life and financial loss
 Proper precautions should be taken to ensure that it remains in good condition and functioning.  Municipal Corporation  The fire brigade has made this appeal.