Do you start your day with tea+biscuits every day?


Do you start your day with tea+biscuits every day?

Ganesh Kumar Mule Sep 20, 2023 5:58 AM

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Do you start your day with tea+biscuits every day? Do u also crave for a repeat session in the evening? This chai biscuit could be harmful to our health in the long term!!
Here is how this simple combo which is loaded with sugar affects our health
?Our body generally gets its sugar from the normal food that we eat
?The body generally does not require any additional/processed/refined sugar in the diet
?Tea+biscuit means you end up having nearly 150-170g of sugar every week
?This sugar can cause a large number of lifestyle diseases if consumed regularly
?You can cut out the habit altogether or reduce the amount of sugar
?You can also replace this sugary biscuit with healthier alternative like home-roasted khakhra, kurmura or makhana