PMC Pune Bylaws | Burning waste, not separating wet and dry waste will be expensive for citizens!  |   Huge increase in fine amount

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PMC Pune Bylaws | Burning waste, not separating wet and dry waste will be expensive for citizens!  |   Huge increase in fine amount

गणेश मुळे May 22, 2024 4:10 PM

4 special scod vehicles will come in the fleet of PMC solid waste department!
 4 Special Scod Vehicles in fleet of PMC Solid Waste Management Department
PMC Solid Waste Management Department | पुणे महापालिकेच्या घनकचरा विभागाने नागरिकांना लावली शिस्त | वर्षभरात वसूल केला सव्वा तीन कोटींचा दंड!

Burning waste, not separating wet and dry waste will be expensive for citizens!  |   Huge increase in fine amount

 |  Order of Deputy Commissioner Sandeep Kadam to implement the revised penalty

 It is going to be very expensive for Punekar citizens to burn garbage, not separate garbage, and not dispose of garbage.  Because the municipal solid waste department has provided revised penalty for this.  So the citizens have to discipline themselves.  Otherwise, one has to be prepared to pay the penalty at the revised rate.  Deputy Commissioner Sandeep Kadam has recently issued orders in this regard.
 Pune Municipal Corporation has prepared a cleanliness bye-law to maintain cleanliness in public places.  According to that rule, penal action is taken against citizens who commit unhygiene.  These include spitting, urinating in public places, burning waste, not sorting waste into dry and wet, dumping in rivers, etc.  For this there is a provision of fine ranging from 180 rupees to 5 thousand rupees.  For non-segregation of waste, non-processing of wet waste through Bulk Waste Generators (BWG) and burning of waste, punitive action is taken through Senior Health Inspectors and Health Inspectors of Pune Municipal Corporation.
 Meanwhile, the state government has prepared an amended bye-law.  The government had also sought objections and suggestions in this regard.  After considering the objections and suggestions, the Government of Maharashtra has given the final form to the said bye-laws and in accordance with section 450 (a) and other powers received in this regard, the Government of Maharashtra has directed to implement the bye-laws in the Municipal Corporations of Maharashtra and according to this direction, the approval of the Municipal Commissioner has been obtained for the imposition of revised fines.
 |  The new penalties will be: 
 1. For non-separation of wet and dry waste, a fine of Rs 60 was currently levied for the first time.  120 for the second time, 180 for the third time and 180 each thereafter.  It has been amended.  Accordingly, a fine of Rs 300 will be levied for the first time and Rs 500 each time thereafter.
 2. If the bulk waste generators do not dispose of wet waste, a fine of 5000 for the first time, 10 thousand for the second time, 15 thousand for the third time and 15 thousand each time thereafter was levied.  According to the amended rules, the fine will now be 5 thousand for the first time and 15 thousand for every subsequent time.
 3. A fine of Rs 500 was levied for burning garbage.  The revised fine will be 5 thousand.
 Penalties for non-segregation of waste, non-treatment of wet waste by Bulky Waste Generators (BWG) and incineration of waste have been revised.  Accordingly, effective action has been ordered by levying penalty.
 – Sandeep Kadam, Deputy Commissioner, Solid Waste Management Department.