Order of PMC Deputy Commissioner to enforce fine of Rs.500

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Order of PMC Deputy Commissioner to enforce fine of Rs.500

गणेश मुळे Feb 01, 2024 6:43 AM

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Order of PMC Deputy Commissioner to enforce fine of Rs.500

 |  Instructions to all Field Offices and Circles to take action

 PMC Solid Waste Management Bylaws |  Pune Municipal Solid Waste Management Department levies fines for littering and littering in public places as well as on roads or paths.  The fine from Rs 180 has been increased to Rs 500.  The Standing Committee has recently approved it.  This requires the approval of the main assembly as well as the state government.  However, the implementation of the new penalty has been started on the hope that the main assembly and the government will approve it.  Deputy Commissioner of Solid Waste Department Sandeep Kadam has given orders in this regard to all field offices and circles.  (Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC)
 Municipal Councils / Nagar Panchayats have been empowered to impose fines on individuals and organizations who do not comply with the provisions of PMC Solid Waste Management Bylaws 2016 as per the government decision.  Accordingly, a penalty of 180/- has been provided for untidy public places/roads/routes under Pune Municipal Corporation, Solid Waste Management Office.  The expansion of the city of Pune is increasing and the increasing population requires the active participation of the citizens of the city to manage the various types of daily waste generated by it, to implement it and to make it effective according to the PMC Solid Waste Management Bylaws 2016.  In the old city limits and in the newly included villages, the citizens throw their garbage in the open.  This creates a chronic spot and unhealthy conditions and the Municipal Corporation has to bear the financial burden for the extra manpower, transport costs and processing of mixed waste to pick up the garbage lying at the said place.  Due to the fact that the provision of fines for littering in public places as well as on the roads is minimal, citizens are showing disinterest in following solid waste management rules.  Therefore, if the fine is increased to 500/- instead of 180/-, according to the theory of deterrence, there will be an expected change in the citizens and the amount of littering in the open will decrease.  Accordingly, the proposal was placed before the Standing Committee.  (Pune PMC News)
 The Standing Committee has recently approved the proposal.  The power to take such policy decisions rests with the General Assembly.  It also requires the approval of the government.  However, orders have been issued to impose a fine of Rs 500 on the hope that the main assembly and the government will approve.  Deputy Commissioner Sandeep Kadam has given instructions in this regard to all field offices and circles yesterday.  Accordingly, the fine will be collected now.