How to find peace in the most chaotic and frenzied situations? | 4 proven ways.

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How to find peace in the most chaotic and frenzied situations? | 4 proven ways.

कारभारी वृत्तसेवा Nov 12, 2023 10:37 AM

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How to find peace in the most chaotic and frenzied situations? | 4 proven ways…

The key to happiness is the ability to remain aloof to external situations.
This does not mean running away from your duties, but being aware of yourself & maintaining a steady centre in the whirlwind of activities around you.
How to create this steady centre? ?
1. Build a Bounce Fort
– Fill your day with activities that help you fend off displeasing situations.
– Give your mind time to adjust to the day before commencing it.
– The greater your ability to generate peace, the greater the chance for you to not react to situations.
– Activities that bring stillness and calm range from painting to meditation or even playing music.
– Find the one that is most soothing to you and begin practise.
2. Think Ahead
– Most confrontations are completely unavoidable if you’ve thought them through before they happen.
– This requires great self-awareness and introspection
– Only by knowing your thoughts and past habits will you be able to prevent future mishaps from taking place.
– So, imagine different scenarios in your mind and see yourself succeeding even before they happen.
3. Avoid Repeating Scenarios
– Many times, we repeat situations which we know cause us great stress for no other reason but the force of habit.
– In your life, if you become a slave to habits instead of sensibly passing through the difficulties, you will create a miserable existence for yourself.
– So, avoid the same patterns and try out different ways in which to grow out of it.
4. Be a Witness
– Create a gap between yourself and your body and mind.
– While you’re walking, eating, talking or driving, just recognise that you are not the doer, you are not the activity, you are the watcher of the event.
– By practising this witness method, you will be able to stay calmer in any situation thrown at you.
Events can only affect those who choose to become involved in them. If you remain steadfast in your own peaceful existence, then no amount of chaos can touch you.