Tag: What is the last date for Property tax in Pune 2023?

Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) launched investigation campaign to give 40% Property tax discount!
Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) launched investigation campaign to give 40% Property tax discount!
| PT-3 form will be filled by citizens
Pun [...]

Pune Property tax 40% Discount | मिळकत करात 40% सवलत देण्यासाठी पुणे महापालिकेकडून तपास मोहीम सुरु!
Pune Property tax 40% Discount | मिळकत करात 40% सवलत देण्यासाठी पुणे महापालिकेकडून तपास मोहीम सुरु!
| नागरिकांकडून PT-3 form भरून घेतला जाणार
Pune [...]

PMC will provide online facility to Pune residents to fill PT 3 application
PMC will provide online facility to Pune residents to fill PT 3 application
| Assured by Deputy Commissioner Madhav Jagtap
PMC PT 3 Applicatio [...]

Pune Property Tax | पुणेकरांना PT 3 अर्ज भरण्यासाठी महापालिका ऑनलाईन सुविधा उपलब्ध करणार | उपायुक्त माधव जगताप यांचे आश्वासन
Pune Property Tax | पुणेकरांना PT 3 अर्ज भरण्यासाठी महापालिका ऑनलाईन सुविधा उपलब्ध करणार | उपायुक्त माधव जगताप यांचे आश्वासन
PMC PT 3 Application- [...]

PT 3 form to give deadline to citizens till June to fill applications
PT 3 form to give deadline to citizens till June to fill applications
| Demand of Property Tax Department to pune Municipal Commissioner
PMC P [...]

PMC PT 3 Application | PT 3 अर्ज भरण्यासाठी नागरिकांना जून पर्यंत मुदत देण्याच्या हालचाली | प्रॉपर्टी टॅक्स विभागाची महापालिका आयुक्तांकडे मागणी
PMC PT 3 Application | PT 3 अर्ज भरण्यासाठी नागरिकांना जून पर्यंत मुदत देण्याच्या हालचाली | प्रॉपर्टी टॅक्स विभागाची महापालिका आयुक्तांकडे मागणी
PM [...]

PMC property tax department started the survey of properties in the Pune city!
PMC property tax department started the survey of properties in the Pune city!
Pune Property Survey - (The Karbhari News Service) - Pune Munic [...]

Pune Property Survey | मिळकतकर विभागाने सुरु केला शहरातील मिळकतींचा सर्वे!
Pune Property Survey | मिळकतकर विभागाने सुरु केला शहरातील मिळकतींचा सर्वे!
| जास्तीत जास्त मिळकतीची कर आकारणी करण्याचा प्रयत्न
Pune Property Survey [...]

PMC Property Tax Department has registered more than 53 thousand new properties in the financial year 2023-24
PMC Property Tax Department has registered more than 53 thousand new properties in the financial year 2023-24
| Earned more than 130 crores
PMC Proper [...]

The process of distribution of 12 lakh property tax bills to Pune residents has started!
The process of distribution of 12 lakh property tax bills to Pune residents has started!
| Planning of PMC Property tax department is ready
PMC Prope [...]