Excavation in 3 days on asphalted road |  Vivek Velankar’s objection to the PMC road department


Excavation in 3 days on asphalted road |  Vivek Velankar’s objection to the PMC road department

गणेश मुळे Mar 23, 2024 10:46 AM

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Excavation in 3 days on asphalted road |  Vivek Velankar’s objection to the PMC road department

 PMC Road Department – (The Karbhari News Service) – The road from Tilak Smarak Mandir in Sadashiv Peth Pune to Perugate was paved and smoothed on March 11.  Mahavitaran Company (MSCDCL) was given permission to excavate 90 meters of the road from March 15.  The excavation was done by the Mahavitaran company yesterday evening.  This type has been exposed by Vivek Velankar of Sajag Nagrik Manch.  Vivek Velankar has complained to the Municipal Commissioner about this.  (Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC)
 According to the statement given by Velankar, the work of Mahavitaran was not urgent.  So as a part of his regular work, he started the work by taking formal permission from the Road Department of the Municipal Corporation.  It is clearly seen that there is no coordination between the road digging permission authorities and asphalting authorities of the municipal road department.  This has become a common experience for citizens.  This is a waste of citizens’ tax money.  Dozens of calls to implement a one-road-one-unit scheme have been made over the past 15 years to avoid such chaos and have fizzled out.  Hence, a system should be created to stop these things forever.  Velankar has made such a demand.