8 crores proposed for PMC Futuristic schools and 31.50 crores provision for DBT scheme!

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8 crores proposed for PMC Futuristic schools and 31.50 crores provision for DBT scheme!

गणेश मुळे Mar 08, 2024 1:45 PM

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PMC Budget 2024-25 | पुणे महानगरपालिका २०२४-२५ च्या अंदाजपत्रकातील ठळक बाबी जाणून घ्या
PMC Futuristic School | महापालिका अभिनव शाळांसाठी 8 कोटी तर डीबीटी योजनेसाठी 31.50 कोटींची तरतूद!

8 crores proposed for PMC Futuristic schools and 31.50 crores provision for DBT scheme!

 PMC Futuristic School – (The Karbhari News Service) – PMC Futuristic School is being created by the Pune Municipal Primary Education Department. It has started from 2023-24. This year also in 15 regional offices.  For this purpose Municipal Commissioner Vikram Kumar (Vikram Kumar IAS) has allocated 8 crores for the upcoming financial year (PMC Budget 2024-25).
 Futuristic School – Innovative School – 15 Regional Offices in 24-25 as in 23-24 Futuristic schools will be created internally.  For 30 students under Abhinav School.  Desk Lan system with latest software and hardware including program license fee and complete – Modern facilities like Syllabus and Main Podium Wall are included in it.
 The Municipal Commissioner has emphasized on creating modern facilities for education.  751 crores have been allocated for the primary education department and 124.60 crores for the secondary education department.
 |  These will be the plans
 – Scholarship Examination – For scholarship examination and related educational planning Rs.  1 crore 50 lakhs has been provided.
 – Proceedings for taking over 65 primary schools in 34 newly incorporated villages have been completed and adequate provision has been made for providing physical facilities for these schools and educational materials for 15,000 students.
 – E-Learning Project – 265 out of total schools of all mediums from 146 school buildings operated by Pune Municipal Corporation  An e-learning project is working in primary schools and for new schools.  The said project has been completed  Provision is suggested for maintenance repairs and installation of e-learning sets in the remaining classrooms.
 – For DBT scheme students in the next financial year also for providing various school materials to the students a total of Rs.  DBT of 31.50 crores.  A plan has been proposed.
 – Kridaniketan School – There are 3 Kridaniketan schools of Pune Municipal Corporation and these are for sports students Rs.  3.92 crore has been provided.
 – Student Educational Trip – Pune Municipal Corporation Class 5th in 24-25 as in 23-24 Provision is made for a one-day educational trip for students up to 8th standard Rs.  1.89 crore has been proposed.
 – Special Children’s School – Making substantial provision for carrying out various activities for special children’s school has come