Supreme Court agrees to admit Curative petition for Maratha reservation

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Supreme Court agrees to admit Curative petition for Maratha reservation

Ganesh Kumar Mule Oct 14, 2023 3:21 PM

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| Efforts taken by the State Government for providing reservation to Maratha community gets more strength*

Mumbai, October 14:- The Supreme Court had agreed to admit the Curative petition filed by the state government for providing reservation to the Maratha community. This is actually the success for the efforts taken by the State Government for giving reservation to the Maratha community. Chief Justice of India Dhananjay Chandrachud gave a nod for listing the Curative petition filed by the Maharashtra government. This has further strengthened the efforts of the state government for providing reservation to the Maratha community.

Senior lawyer Maninder Singh on Friday had filed the Curative petition in the Apex court on behalf of the State Government and requested to list it for hearing. Chief Justice Dhananjay Y Chandrachud said, ‘We are admitting this curative petition and we agree to take a hearing on it.’

Notably, in May 2021 the 5 judge review bench of the Supreme Court gave the decision which had cancelled the reservation for the Maratha community. The five member review bench had heard the petition and stating that it is not possible to give reservation to the Maratha community, the decision to give reservation was abrogated and it was mentioned in the order. The Curative petition was filed in order to reconsider that decision.

The state government has given reservation to the Maratha community in the year 2018 under the ‘Socially and Economically Backward Class Act 2018’ (SEBC Act) but the Apex Court had set it aside in May 2021. Following this decision, the reservation given to the Maratha community in education and jobs by the state government was set aside. The Supreme Court had cancelled the reservation given to the Maratha community as it was not proved that this community is socially, educationally and economically backward. But now the Apex Court had given its nod to list the Curative petition and this is in fact success for the efforts taken by the State Government for providing reservation to the Maratha community and the side of state government has been further strengthened.