Dr.  Rajendra Bhosle, IAS take over the charge of Pune Municipal Commissioner!


Dr.  Rajendra Bhosle, IAS take over the charge of Pune Municipal Commissioner!

गणेश मुळे Mar 16, 2024 11:19 AM

PMC Ward no 2 | पावसाळी समस्येतून प्रभाग दोन मधील नागरिकांची होणार सुटका | तात्काळ उपाययोजना करण्याबाबत आयुक्त राजेंद्र भोसले यांच्या अधिकाऱ्यांना सूचना
Dr Rajendra Bhosale IAS | पुणे महापालिका आयुक्त डॉ राजेंद्र भोसले यांनी पाच मानाच्या गणपतींचे दर्शन घेऊन केली पूजा!
Pune PMC Voting Awareness |  पुणे शहरात मतदानाचा टक्का वाढविण्याबाबत पुणे महापालिकेत आढावा बैठक 

Dr.  Rajendra Bhosle, IAS take over the charge of Pune Municipal Commissioner!

 Dr. Rajendra Bhosale IAS – (The Karbhari News Service) – Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) Commissioners charge Dr Rajendra Bhosale IAS accepted from Vikram Kumar IAS today.
   Vikram Kumar welcomed him with a bouquet.  Pune Municipal Corporation Commissioner Dr.  After being accepted by Rajendra Bhosle, Hon.  Additional Municipal Commissioner (J/V/E), Hon.  Deputy Commissioner, Hon.  Along with the Head of Account, Hon’ble Officer, he reviewed the entire functioning of the Pune Municipal Corporation and directed that all officers should work in that manner keeping in mind the needs of the citizens of Pune city.
    On this occasion Hon.  Additional Municipal Commissioner (H) Ravindra Binawade, Hon.  Additional Municipal Commissioner (V) Vikas Dhakane, Additional Municipal Commissioner (E) Dr.  Kunal Khemmanar, all deputy commissioners, all account heads, municipal assistant commissioners, officers were present.