5 hospitals of Pune Municipal Corporation now have modern computer system

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5 hospitals of Pune Municipal Corporation now have modern computer system

गणेश मुळे Feb 20, 2024 1:10 PM

PMC Health Department | MNS Pune | महापालिका आरोग्य विभागाने काळजी घेतली नसल्याने साथीच्या आजारात वाढ | महाराष्ट्र नवनिर्माण सेनेचा आरोप
CHS Portal | PMC Health Service | अंशदायी वैद्यकीय योजनेचे संगणकीकरण! | महापालिका कर्मचाऱ्यांना CHS कार्ड साठी पोर्टलवर माहिती भरण्याचे आदेश
PMC Health Department | सहाय्यक आरोग्य अधिकाऱ्यांच्या कामकाजात बदल! | शहरी गरीब, CHS चे कामकाज डॉ वावरे यांच्याकडे, PCPNDT, एमटीपी डॉ बळिवंत यांना तर डॉ जाधव यांच्याकडील NUHM डॉ नाईक यांच्याकडे

 5 hospitals of Pune Municipal Corporation now have modern computer system

: Dynamics to be brought to work!

 PMC Hospitals HMIS System |  A modern computer system will now be used in Pune Municipal Corporation Hospital.  In the first phase, this system will be started in 5 hospitals on a pilot basis.  This will speed up the work.  Moreover, the work will be paperless saving time and manpower.  This information was given by PMC Health Officer Dr Bhagwan Pawar.  (PMC Health Department)
 The proposal in this regard has been placed by the Health Department before the PMC Standing Committees for approval.  Accordingly, HMIS computer system will be used in 5 hospitals of the PMC . These include PMC Kamla Nehru Hospital, PMC Gadikhana, PMC Sutar Hospital, PMC Sonawane Hospital and PMC Rajiv Gandhi Hospital.  The Pune Smart City will be taken to implement this.  Computer material will be purchased for this purpose.  This computer equipment will include 48 desktops, 22 laser printers, 3 scanners, 3 barcode printers and 14 tablets.  A total of 80 lakhs will be spent for it.  This fund will be made available through classification.  (Pune PMC News)
 Dr. Pawar said that this system will be implemented in all the PMC hospitals.  For the first time, this will be implemented on an experimental basis.  In this we have selected 5 hospitals.  This computerized system will save time and manpower.  Because all the management will be done online.  This will streamline the work.  Employee reporting will also be completely online.  Dr Pawar said that after a citizen comes to the hospital, all his history from his case paper will be entered into the computer system.  This will benefit citizens and employees.  Because everything is coming into the system.  This will save time and speed up the work.  After seeing the situation in these 5 hospitals, this system will be implemented in all the hospitals.