Why should India be declared as the ‘Cancer Capital of the World’? Know why

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Why should India be declared as the ‘Cancer Capital of the World’? Know why

गणेश मुळे Apr 08, 2024 3:12 AM

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Why should India be declared as the ‘Cancer Capital of the World’? Know why


Cancer Capital of the World – (The Karbhari News Service) – India ranks first in cancer cases. India has earned the dubious title of the ‘Cancer Capital of the World’, surpassing other countries in terms of global rates.

In a new report, Apollo Hospitals’ Health of the Nation report has unveiled a sharp rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) across India. In which there is an alarming rise in cancer cases in the country. The report highlighted the seriousness of the situation, highlighting the increasing incidence of NCDs including Cancer, Diabetes, High BP, Heart Diseases and Mental Health.

Released on World Health Day 2014, the report highlights startling statistics. Which shows that one in three Indians are pre-diabetic, two in three are pre-hypertensive and one in ten suffer from depression.

Worryingly, NCDs are manifesting at increasingly younger ages, indicating a potential increase in healthcare burdens.

Emphasizing the importance of regular health check-ups, the report emphasized their role in reducing the risks associated with NCDs such as heart-related diseases.

While the need for comprehensive health screening remains, there is a positive trend toward widespread screening, reflecting the growing awareness of health and wellness among the public. However, urgent intervention is imperative to combat the growing epidemic of NCDs including cancer, diabetes, hypertension and obesity.