‘Wakeup Punekar’ public movement to solve the problems of Punekar | ‘Stuck Punekar’ campaign to break the traffic jam

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  ‘Wakeup Punekar’ public movement to solve the problems of Punekar | ‘Stuck Punekar’ campaign to break the traffic jam

गणेश मुळे Feb 04, 2024 1:25 PM

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  ‘Wakeup Punekar’ public movement to solve the problems of Punekar | ‘Stuck Punekar’ campaign to break the traffic jam

 |  Former MLA Mohan Joshi’s information in a press conference

 Wakeup Punekar |  Adaklay Punekar  Pune: We are starting the people’s movement ‘#Wakeup Punekar’ from Monday, February 5 to take answers from the Pune people themselves and present them to the concerned department to solve the civil problems that Pune people face in their daily life.  (Mohan Joshi Pune Congress) said in a press conference today (Sunday).  He explained that he will implement the campaign ‘#Adaklai Punekar’ to break the traffic congestion in Pune.  Praveen Kumar Biradar, Prathamesh Abnave, Rohan Suravse Patil, Milind Gawandi etc were present on this occasion.  (Pune News)
 Mohan Joshi said, “Pune has expanded in the last ten years, the population has increased along with the problems of traffic, water supply, health, sanitation, air pollution.  What should be the solutions to these questions?  Answers should be taken from the people of Pune, it will create awareness among the people of Pune, once the level of public opinion is formed, it will be easier to solve the problem precisely.  We are raising a people’s movement ‘#WakeupPunekar’ with such a purpose.  It will be attended by NGOs, conscious citizens, experts in various fields, social activists.”
 We are taking up the issue of traffic faced by the people of Pune on priority.  The number of two-wheelers and four-wheelers is increasing in Pune.  The use of vehicles is mandatory for going to schools, colleges, offices, hospitals.  Parking problem is increasing.  Arguments arise over the issue of parking.  Drivers have to bear heartache to cover long distances.  For these reasons, the issue of traffic has been given importance.  Volunteers of ‘#WakeUpPunekar’ will stop at traffic jam spots, traffic signals in all parts of the city and collect questionnaire form from motorists.  Answers to the problem are also expected in this questionnaire.  After 15 days information will be collected on the basis of this form and efforts will be made through ‘Wakeup’ Punekar to scrutinize the measures suggested by the Punekar.  Mohan Joshi said that placards with slogans such as ‘#Stuck Punekar’, ‘#WakeupPunekar’ will also be put up in the city in the face of traffic jams.
 This campaign will be continued on civic issues like traffic.  Organizations working in the field, police administration, schools and colleges will be associated with this people’s movement.  Conferences and workshops will be held on various topics.  Mohan Joshi said that the measures suggested by the people of Pune will be presented to the concerned department and followed up, social media platform will also be used for these problems.