The indifference of the PMC water supply department to update the information on the PMC website!

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The indifference of the PMC water supply department to update the information on the PMC website!

गणेश मुळे Apr 18, 2024 5:27 AM

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The indifference of the PMC water supply department to update the information on the PMC website!

| Inflow of complaints from citizens


PMC Water Supply Department – (The Karbhari News Service) – The website of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC Website) has been developed based on new modern technology (CMS). In which a separate micro site has been developed for all the departments and all the departments have been given their user ID and password. Training on updating information has also been provided earlier. But it has been pointed out that the information is not being updated by the water supply and pumping departments. Complaints are being received from citizens regarding this. Therefore, information and technology department (PMC IT Department) has advised to update the information. (Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC)

The information includes RTI Section 4A, Section 60A, circulars, contact numbers of account heads etc. Complaints are being received from citizens regarding non-updation of information on the website. Due to the need to update the information on the website. Currently there is water shortage in the city. Citizens are checking the municipal website to find solutions in this regard. But they are not getting the necessary information.

Mini websites of all the departments have been prepared on the website of Pune Municipal Corporation and the information of those departments has been published and many departments have not updated the information but till now old information is published on the website of water supply department. It is the responsibility of the concerned department to update the information on the website.

Also, since the employees of most of the departments have been transferred and the password of your website is with the relevant employees, wrong information may be published on the website. Therefore, from the point of view of website security, the password of your department’s website should be changed immediately. Henceforth, you should instruct your concerned about changing the password every three months. Information and Technology Department has also said.