Tag: Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) Anniversary

A collection of wooden sculptures, old coins in a photo exhibition organized on the occasion of the PMC anniversary!
A collection of wooden sculptures, old coins in a photo exhibition organized on the occasion of the PMC anniversary!
PMC 74th Anniversary | On th [...]

First Prize to Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited in Pune Municipal Corporation’s 42nd Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables Exhibition!
First Prize to Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited in Pune Municipal Corporation's 42nd Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables Exhibition!
1100 c [...]

PMC Anniversary Exhibition Award | पुणे महापालिकेच्या 42 व्या फळे, फुले व भाजीपाला प्रदर्शनात हिंदुस्तान पेट्रोलियम कॉर्पो. लि. ला प्रथम पारितोषिक!
PMC Anniversary Exhibition Award | पुणे महापालिकेच्या 42 व्या फळे, फुले व भाजीपाला प्रदर्शनात हिंदुस्तान पेट्रोलियम कॉर्पो. लि. ला प्रथम पारितोषिक!
&n [...]

Pune Municipal Corporation’s 42nd Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables Exhibition inaugurated by PMC Commissioner Vikram Kumar!
Pune Municipal Corporation's 42nd Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables Exhibition inaugurated by PMC Commissioner Vikram Kumar!
PMC 74th Anniversary | [...]

PMC 74th Anniversary | पुणे महापालिकेच्या 42 व्या फळे, फुले व भाजीपाला प्रदर्शनाचे उदघाटन आयुक्त विक्रम कुमार यांच्या हस्ते संपन्न!
PMC 74th Anniversary | पुणे महापालिकेच्या 42 व्या फळे, फुले व भाजीपाला प्रदर्शनाचे उदघाटन आयुक्त विक्रम कुमार यांच्या हस्ते संपन्न!
PMC 74th Annive [...]

Pune Municipal Corporation’s (PMC) 42nd Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables Competition and Exhibition on 10th and 11th February!
Pune Municipal Corporation's (PMC) 42nd Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables Competition and Exhibition on 10th and 11th February!
| It will be inaugura [...]

PMC Garden Department | पुणे महापालिकेचे 42 वे फळे फुले व भाजीपाला स्पर्धा व प्रदर्शन 10 आणि 11 फेब्रुवारीला!
PMC Garden Department | पुणे महापालिकेचे 42 वे फळे फुले व भाजीपाला स्पर्धा व प्रदर्शन 10 आणि 11 फेब्रुवारीला!
| 10 फेब्रुवारीला महापालिका आयुक्तांच्य [...]
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