Pune Municipal Corporation budget :   What does the commissioner think about Pune city?  

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Pune Municipal Corporation budget :   What does the commissioner think about Pune city?  

गणेश मुळे Mar 07, 2024 4:34 PM

Vishal Tambe : छापील अंदाजपत्रक १० मिनिटांत कोणी व कसे छापले ? याची  चौकशी करण्यात यावी!
PMC Chief Finance and Account Officer | उल्का कळसकर यांच्याकडील अतिरिक्त पदभार कमी केला! | महापालिका आयुक्तांकडून आदेश जारी
Pune PMC Budget 2025-26 | पुणे महानगरपालिकेचा अर्थसंकल्प मंत्रालयात तयार करावा 

Pune Municipal Corporation budget :   What does the commissioner think about Pune city?

 Pune – (The Karbhari News Service) – PMC Budget by IAS Vikram Kumar |  Pune Municipal Commissioner and Administrator Vikram Kumar (IAS Vikram Kumar) today presented the budget of the Municipal Corporation for the financial year 2024-25 (PMC Budget 2024-25).  The Commissioner submitted this budget of 11 thousand 601 crores to the Standing Committee (PMC Standing Committee).  Since the administrator is the supreme authority in the municipal corporation, the commissioner i.e. the standing committee also approved this budget.  While presenting the budget to the Standing Committee, the Commissioner makes a speech i.e. his statement.  It includes his role towards Pune City and Municipal Corporation.  We are giving you in detail what the commissioner has stated in this budget.  (Pune Municipal Corporation Budget 2024-25)
 Statement of Municipal Commissioner:
 I am asked to present the fourth budget of the Pune Municipal Corporation and the second budget as an administrator. I am happy to have the opportunity to do so.  The city of Pune is one of the leading cities in the world and in the country and attracts everyone.  Being a good quality of life and livable city, as well as employment opportunities, quality education, and an environment that readily absorbs the world’s innovations, the city’s urbanization is increasing on a large scale.  At the same time, due to newly included villages in the limits of Pune Municipal Corporation, the stress on infrastructure facilities is increasing day by day.  The administration is ultimately responsible for all inclusive development by considering all these aspects comprehensively.
 Local self-government organization is an important part of this government organization and whether its scope is limited or large, every citizen’s umbilical cord is connected with this organization.  Public works at the local level, especially those related to the basic needs of the people, are their priorities.  Balancing increased service demand and available funds requires a lot of effort while preparing the budget.  The government has adopted welfare governance system with the aim of strengthening, empowering and developing the democratic system in India.  From that perspective, the local self-government bodies have been given autonomy and independence.
 Local self-government bodies are the link between the government and citizens.  So every citizen of the city
 The beginning of human life is connected with the local organization from birth and further on it is connected and in touch with the local self government organization for all the facilities and they expect to get response from the administration regarding such things.  That is why the citizen’s commitment to Pune Municipal Corporation is created at all levels of work such as good governance, development transparency and dynamism.  By considering all these things comprehensively and determining the direction of the city’s development, the budget Hon.  Presenting to the Standing Committee.
 Clean Survey Special Honors :-
 Pune city got 20 rank and 3 star rating in the competition organized under Swachh Survekshan last year.  Earlier in Swachh Survekshan 2023, Pune city has been ranked 10th among cities with more than 1 lakh population.  The city of Pune was honored by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs of the Central Government.  Similarly, it has been awarded 5 star rating under GFC for the first time.