PMC Fireman Recruitment Results |  Finally, the final selection list for the post of fireman is published

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PMC Fireman Recruitment Results |  Finally, the final selection list for the post of fireman is published

गणेश मुळे Feb 20, 2024 4:13 PM

PMC Fireman Recruitment Results | अखेर फायरमन पदाची अंतिम निवड यादी प्रसिद्ध | महापालिका प्रशासना कडून तात्काळ हंगामी नेमणुका! 
PMC Fireman Recruitment Results | फायरमन पदाच्या अंतिम निवड यादी बाबत निवड समितीची बैठक संपन्न! 
PMC Fireman Recruitment Results  |  Final selection list likely to be released in next 8-10 days!

PMC Fireman Recruitment Results |  Finally, the final selection list for the post of fireman is published

 PMC Fireman Bharti Results |  The examination was conducted for the post of Fireman on behalf of Pune Municipal Corporation Recruitment.  But the final selection list was yet to be published.  The exam was conducted for 200 posts.  But 167 candidates have qualified.  Accordingly, the administration has released the selection list and given immediate temporary appointments.
 (PMC Fireman Results)
 Check Final Selection List Here: fireman final result list
 The recruitment process for 320 posts was implemented on behalf of Pune Municipal Corporation.  200 of these posts were for the post of fireman.  Accordingly, more than 3500 applications were received by the Municipal Corporation.  These candidates were examined.  The exam was of 120 marks.  A minimum of 54 marks is required.  666 people passed in this.  Documents of passed candidates were verified.  Accordingly, 575 candidates were qualified for the physical test.  Accordingly, the physical test was conducted from 26th to 29th October and 22nd November.  Accordingly, the marks of this test were published on the official website of the Municipal Corporation.  After that, a written test was conducted on firefighting material recognition.  There were 5 marks for this.  The candidate’s answer sheet and appropriate statement of the examination were released on the municipal website.  If there were any objections in this regard, they were asked to give them.  Thereafter, the answer sheets solved by the candidates have been re-checked by taking into consideration the objections received from the candidates regarding the answers and marks in ‘Identification of Fire Fighting Materials’.  The table of revised marks of the candidates who have changed in the re-examination and the corresponding answer sheets have been published on the municipal website.  Pune Municipal Corporation Recruitment)
 |  Some were ineligible
 Meanwhile the candidates were staring at the final result.  Finally the final result has been released.  Only 167 people have been selected out of 200 seats.  The final selection list was to be decided by the selection committee.  Accordingly, the committee has discussed and released this list.  30 ex-servicemen have been disqualified.  Because the course he took became a point of controversy.  There was a woman.  She was disqualified due to the height rule.  Meanwhile, the matter is in court.  While two candidates were from the orphan category which the corporation could not get.  Accordingly 167 candidates have been qualified.
 |  First woman inclusion in Pune fire brigade
 Meanwhile, on the occasion of this recruitment, a woman has been included in the Pune Municipal Fire Brigade for the first time.  The name of this qualified woman is Meghna Mahendra Sapkal.  A woman was appointed on a permanent post in Pune, under Mumbai.  Meghna’s grandfather Sadashiv Bapurao Sakpal is a retired firefighter while her father Mahendra Sadashiv Sakpal is currently working as a fireman.
 – Physical fitness certificate is mandatory
 Meanwhile, it has been made mandatory for these candidates to bring physical qualification certificate before joining the Municipal Corporation.  Candidates have to take physical examination letter from fire department and undergo physical examination from Chairman, Medical Board.  Only then the candidates will be brought to work.