New Regulations from PMC Health Department regarding Drug Bills of Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme (CHS) 


New Regulations from PMC Health Department regarding Drug Bills of Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme (CHS) 

गणेश मुळे Mar 02, 2024 6:26 AM

PMC CHS | पुणे महापालिका कर्मचाऱ्यांसाठी आनंदाची बातमी | CHS योजनेबाबत महापालिका कर्मचाऱ्यांना कायमस्वरूपी दिलासा! 
PMC Shahari Garib Yojana | शहरी गरीब योजनेतील डायलिसिसचे दर निश्चित नसल्याने महापालिका आणि रुग्णांचे नुकसान
CHS Portal | PMC Health Service | अंशदायी वैद्यकीय योजनेचे संगणकीकरण! | महापालिका कर्मचाऱ्यांना CHS कार्ड साठी पोर्टलवर माहिती भरण्याचे आदेश

New Regulations from PMC Health Department regarding Drug Bills of Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme (CHS)

 PMC CHS Health Scheme – (The Karbhari Online) : Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme (PMC CHS) is implemented for Pune Municipal Corporation Employees , retired PMC employees and ex-corporators.  But the number of members included in the scheme is large.  It inconveniences some employees.  To avoid this inconvenience, a new regulation has been implemented by the PMC health department for all accounts.  Health Officer Dr Bhagwan Pawar and Assistant Health Officer Dr Manisha Naik have given orders to implement accordingly.  (PMC Health Department)
 Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme of the PMC Health Department for submission of personal medical bills of servants under Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme by servants/retired servants, issue of new member registration card, inclusion of names of family members in the card, settlement of incomplete documents in medical reimbursement bills filed earlier etc.  Daily work continues.  The number of scheme members is large in it and the number of servants who have been included in the Municipal Corporation establishment from the recently incorporated 23 Gram Panchayats has also increased to a large extent.
 A large number of Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme Department is coming daily to concerned servants/retired servants, their relatives to carry out these works and also to inquire about the reimbursement of bills filed earlier by the scheme members with the department.  At present, the work of Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme Department is going on on a very limited staff basis and due to this, there is tension and sometimes disputes in the said department while doing daily work.  Therefore, the possibility of disruption of daily operations and taking time to complete the work of municipal servants cannot be ruled out.
 If it is possible to stop and reduce the continuous flow of scheme members, it will be convenient for the staff of the department to check the medical reimbursement bills during the rest of the day’s work, and to do further work related to the final approval of the bills and thus it will help in the settlement of bills and other tasks of the members quickly.  Due to the above factors it is necessary to partially change the daily activities.
 : Such will be the new regulations
 1. Employees and retired employees of Pune Municipal Corporation should submit their personal medical reimbursement bills to Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme Department from 1st to 15th of every month.
 2. Members should contact the Contributory Medical Assistance Scheme office between 10 am to 2 pm to get new member card, insert new name in the card and perform related tasks.