PMC JE Recruitment 2024 |  Opportunity to become Junior Engineer (JE Civil) in Pune Municipal Corporation

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PMC JE Recruitment 2024 | Opportunity to become Junior Engineer (JE Civil) in Pune Municipal Corporation

कारभारी वृत्तसेवा Jan 08, 2024 4:40 PM

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PMC JE Recruitment 2024 |  Opportunity to become Junior Engineer (JE Civil) in Pune Municipal Corporation

 |  113 posts recruitment advertisement published by Municipal Corporation

 PMC Junior Engineer Recruitment |  Pune Municipal Corporation has started the third phase recruitment process (PMC Recruitment 2024).  Now recruitment will be done for 113 posts.  Out of 113 posts, 13 posts have been kept to fill the ex-serviceman backlog.  So 100 will be for all cadres.  Earlier, the recruitment process was conducted for 448 posts in the first phase and 320 posts in the second phase.  The second phase process is still going on.  Along with this, the municipal corporation has started the process of the third phase.  These posts include Junior Engineer (Construction).  This advertisement has been published by the municipal administration.  Meanwhile, the necessary terms and conditions for the post will be available to the candidates on the municipal website from January 16.  This information was given by Sachin Ethape, Deputy Commissioner of General Administration Department.  Meanwhile, the experience condition of 3 years for JE has been reduced.  So new candidates will get good opportunity.  (Pune Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2024)

 What does the ad say?

 Vacancy in Pune Municipal Corporation Establishment Junior Engineer (Construction) Class-3
 Advertisement No.1/1579 dated 09/01/2024 is being published to fill the posts through direct service entry.
 The post in this advertisement is in Engineering Service.  So there must be sufficient number of candidates for comparative competition.  Also, advertisement is being given to get sufficient response for the present recruitment.  According to the above advertisement, the details of vacant posts, educational qualifications required for the posts, pay scale, age limit, examination fee, facility and method of online application, application deadline and other necessary terms and conditions etc. of Pune Municipal Corporation
 This link will be available from 16/01/2024 onwards.

 – Opportunity for new candidates as experience requirement of JE is reduced

 Meanwhile for Junior Engineer (JE) 3 years experience was stipulated.  However, there was a demand to cancel this condition for a long time.  Accordingly, the municipal administration had sent a proposal to the state government to cancel the condition.  The government has just approved it.  A proposal to change the method, percentage and qualification of appointment of the posts of Executive Engineer, Deputy Engineer and Junior Engineer in the establishment of Pune Municipal Corporation was sent by the Municipal Commissioner to the State Government.  It has been recently approved by the state government.  Accordingly now junior engineers have been given 15% promotion instead of 25%.  Instead of 75%, 85% direct service will be recruited.  Whereas the experience condition has been reduced and the condition of having passed a degree or diploma has been kept.  It will benefit the candidates who have recently graduated or graduated.
The karbhari - PMC Advt